This week's Holy Yum! Award goes to all the wonderful bowls of oats that Kath @
Kath Eats Real Food has made and will make in the future. She makes some amazing mixtures that always intrigue me. I would love for her to come make me some
Pumpkin Butterscotch Oats. Check out her
Tribute to Oatmeal page, and let me know what flavor is your favorite!
Holy yum x10000!!
Holy yum x10000000! ;)
Do I have to pick one? Pb & jelly, butterscotch, her creations are amazing!! Great pick!!
Thanks Megan!!!!!!!!!!!
I pretty much love all of Kath's creations!
oooooh cant decide.
I can't decide either, I don't think oats have ever looked so good! :)
Jeez, who'd've thunk you could do so much with oatmeal? That's a mind-boggling array of options...Not sure I could choose just one...
Love it!
She has certainly taken oats to a whole new level!
Tribute to Oatmeal? Who knew! I try to eat oatmeal every morning to offset some of the splurges I make in the rest of my diet, but I never thought about making all of these additions. Thanks for sharing!
Holy yum indeed! I am going to make that pumpkin butterscotch oatmeal for breakfast! Mmmmm!
Holy yum - talk about taking oatmeal to the next level! I think I want the banana split oatmeal.
i have actually made myself the pumpkin butterscotch oats...but they are no where near the yumminess of KATH!
Her pumpkin pie oatmeal's my favorite!
Great pick, Megan!
Yum is the word!
That looks awesome! I might have to give it a try next week.
Im headed right over there- this morning I had oatmeal and it was far too plain! a few walnuts and that was it!
Who is Katheats? HAHA joking. Kath rocks :)
oh WOW!!! totally drooling over here! yum!
holy yum is right!
ps - i meant to add pb butterscotch is my pick!
Wow, that looks and sounds mighty scrumptious!
Yeah, she deserves it! absolutely yummy oats! cheers to oats! ;) Btw, I changed my blog address to www.justsweeterthansugar.blogspot.com. Feel free to visit it anytime ;) Keep posting Ms. Megan, and more power to you ;) Luch love, abby
hey there, just found your blog through Kath's. Looking forward to reading more =)
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