The wonderful owners of Flying Cloud Gifts sent me this adorable gift! It is Lewis & Clark and Sacagawea in S'Mores form! They are so adorable. I love them! My favorite part is the baby marshmallow in the papoose. Thanks Jack, Judy, and Rocky!
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Oh, wow, I will have to show these to my daughter tomorrow morning - Sakagewea, Lewis and Clark are some of her favorite historic characters. They are so cute!
I found some of those at Hallmark before Christmas and I thought they were SO cute that I bought a few to attach to Christmas gifts! Everyone loved them! :)
**Just as a heads up: I will not be able to comment on blogs as often now, during this semester, due to work overload (I'm stressed already) - PLEASE know that I'm still loyally reading, but just won't have time to comment. I hope you understand!!
So cute!! :-)
that is so cute!
Those are so adorable!!
Just adorable! And somehow even though they are for decoration - they are making me hungry! :)
Wow, those are just too cute!!
Oh, wow, I will have to show these to my daughter tomorrow morning - Sakagewea, Lewis and Clark are some of her favorite historic characters. They are so cute!
Oh how I adore s'mores ornaments!
So cute!!!!
omg i love them :)
I found some of those at Hallmark before Christmas and I thought they were SO cute that I bought a few to attach to Christmas gifts! Everyone loved them! :)
Those are so cute! Good job!
i totally have like a dozen of those!!! so cute!
how adorable!!! :)
Those are ridiculously cute!
ooooh those are so cute and creative!! can you eat them, or are they just for decoration?
those smores are too cute! :)
Meg these are awesome!! Too cute
those are the cutest! I WANNA EAT EM!!!!!!ha
So cute, I wish they were eatable and yes I am aware that the word is edible so sue me ;)
Those are so cute!
Those are so cunning! Especially the papoose.
**Just as a heads up: I will not be able to comment on blogs as often now, during this semester, due to work overload (I'm stressed already) - PLEASE know that I'm still loyally reading, but just won't have time to comment. I hope you understand!!
Sooooo cute!
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